Psychological Assessments

At Doorways, we firmly believe that psychological assessments go beyond mere labels – they are an avenue for healing, growth, and empowerment.

At Doorways, we firmly believe that psychological assessments go beyond mere labels – they are an avenue for healing, growth, and empowerment. We take immense pride in offering an unconventional approach to psychological assessments, one that takes into account your unique lived experiences and realities, especially as an individual holding marginalized identities. Our focus centers on providing comprehensive care that affirms the diverse journeys of queer, trans, and BIPOC individuals.

Two women in counseling

We recognize that the traditional framework of psychological assessments often fails to fully encompass the rich tapestry of identities and experiences individuals bring. Our commitment to doing things differently means that our assessments are deeply rooted in an understanding of the challenges faced by queer, trans, and BIPOC individuals, as well as the intricate intersections that shape your daily existence.

For BIPOC individuals, engagement with the psychological field can be particularly intricate due to historical oppressive practices. We are dedicated to offering an assessment process that acknowledges these historical contexts and empowers you to navigate your mental health journey with agency. Our assessments thoughtfully consider the impact of systemic oppression, generational trauma, and the remarkable resilience that is integral to your identity.

Our approach revolves around you – your comfort, safety, and autonomy are our top priorities throughout the assessment process. We are committed to genuinely listening to your narrative, recognizing the strengths you draw from your experiences, and collaborating with you to create a holistic portrait of your mental well-being.

At Doorways, our mission goes beyond simply conducting assessments. We are here to offer you a transformative encounter that validates your identity, respects your journey, and empowers you to seize control of your mental health. We acknowledge that you are far more than the challenges you encounter, and we are wholeheartedly committed to guiding you on a path towards healing, growth, and self-discovery.

Psychological Testing FEES:

Tier 1


Tier 2


Tier 3


Ready to take the next step? Click below to schedule a free 20-minute phone consultation and get started with one of our psychologists today!